NCAA Womens Tennis

Women’s Tennis Takes On Japan For Foreign Tour

Women’s Tennis Takes On Japan For Foreign Tour

The UW women’s tennis team took its talents across the pond to Japan at the end of September for a 10-day foreign tour. The team began the adventure in Osaka, spent a couple days in Kyoto, and wrapped up the trip in Japan’s capital city of Tokyo. 

Over the course of the week-and-a-half excursion, the Huskies hit the courts for a few practices, played matches against Keio University and Waseda University, and delved deep into Japanese culture – including food, fashion, and plenty of sightseeing. From fishing for dinner to exploring the streets and sights of Tokyo to feeding monkeys, the group came away with countless unforgettable memories. 

“Overall, our foreign tour trip to Japan was unforgettable,” sophomore Zehra Suko said about the experience. “We are so grateful for the opportunity to learn about different cultures and explore new places. Making so many memories with this amazing team was so fun as well as bonding with some of the new faces! From visiting the monkey jungles and sightseeing many of the historic parts of Japan to practicing and competing in a new setting with these ladies – every second was a blast. 

“Every day we got to see a wide variety of sites – like sacred shrines and temples – but also things like the busiest pedestrian crossing in the world (Shibuya Crossing). It is hard to pick a favorite part of the trip because truly we enjoyed all of it! We are so thankful for everyone who made this trip possible!”

Each player during the trip was asked to recount their favorite memories and events from a particular day, starting out with freshman Alexia Jacobs


Sept. 15/16 – Travel Day(s) 

The team experienced the beginning of the 16-hour time difference, jumping right from Friday afternoon in Seattle to Saturday evening in Osaka. 

Sept. 17 – First full day in Osaka (Told by Alexia Jacobs)

Hey Dawg fans! Today we had our first team practice of the season and our first practice in Osaka. It was my first practice with the team as a freshman and it was so awesome to finally be a part of a team environment where everyone brings such good energy and positivity! Later in the day after a long bus ride back to the hotel from the tennis center, we took…

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