NCAA Womens Tennis

Juana Larranaga – 5 Questions

Juana Larranaga - 5 Questions

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Juana Larranaga is well into the Fall of her second season at Purdue. After recording 16 singles wins and 12 at doubles, the sophomore is on her way to a new personal best this year with seven singles wins already under her belt. Purdue Athletics sat down with Larranaga to ask her five questions.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Purdue?

A: I don’t know if I can pick one thing because I really like everything here. I like the people, the environment, the girls on the team, the coaches. I like everything.

Q: What is your favorite place you’ve ever visited?

A: I think Italy is one of my favorite places because I went there during the summer and I like the people and the food. I went to a lot of parts like Rome, Venice and the South and, especially in the South, the people are really similar to Argentinian people. Since I’m from Argentina, it’s like being in a second home for me. Those things made it more special for me to be in Italy.

Q: Are you vegan?

A: Yes, I started being vegan this year and I really like it. I’ve felt lighter, so I’m still doing it.

Q: Do you prefer Purdue Pete or the Boilermaker Special?

A: I prefer Purdue Pete because I think he has a really funny face and I like seeing him all over campus. I like him. I also like the train, but I prefer (Pete).

Q: How excited are you for the season?

A: I’m really excited to start a new season because when I went to Italy to play clay matches, I liked it there, but I really like the environment here when we’re all playing at the same time and shouting and screaming. So, I’m really excited to start the season again.


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