Misc Tennis

Wish I Had Been a Tennis Player

LeBron: Wish I Had Been a Tennis Player

LeBron James has a recurring dream: the NBA superstar sometimes wishes he played pro tennis.

James told HBO’s Uninterrupted his intense competitiveness makes him wish he played an individual sport like tennis or golf.

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“I’m obsessed with winning or failing,” James said. “And that makes me spend sleepless nights when you don’t have anyone who feels the same way you do on the team.

“There are times when I’ve wanted to be a tennis player or a golfer, it was like ‘look in the mirror, son of a bitch, it’s you against you.'”

James’ admission prompted former Top 10 player and Miami Open tournament director James Blake to publicly thank King James for choosing hoops over tennis.

“I just heard the comment that @KingJames sometimes wishes he played tennis instead,” Blake tweeted. “As someone who already played in the @rogerfederer, @RafaelNadal, @DjokerNole era, thank you for picking basketball.”

The post prompted speculation on what would LeBron’s tennis style look like? Would he play grip and rip baseline tennis or crush and rush the net or chip and charge?

Perhaps someday we’ll see an all-NBA tennis showdown between LeBron James and Gordon Hayward.

Photo credit: Getty

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